Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal in the United States. Sexual harassment can be defined as:
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Other verbal, nonverbal, or physical harassment of a sexual nature
Sexual harassment can interfere with your work performance and create an uncomfortable work environment. The victim of sexual harassment and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, or could be of the same sex.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
- Sexually suggestive notes or e-mails
- Inappropriate sexual gestures
- Sharing sexually suggestive or explicit images or videos
- Commenting (offline or online) on someone’s clothing, body, or appearance
- Inappropriate or unwanted touching Life at Camp
- Offensive comments about a co-worker’s gender identity or sexual orientation
Please note: The above list is not complete. Sexual harassment includes a wide range of behaviors that can be verbal, visual, or physical. As such, you should treat people – in and beyond the workplace – with respect and dignity at all times. Expect the same treatment in return.
If You Are the Victim of Sexual Harassment
If you are being sexually harassed, the first thing you should do is tell your harasser that their behavior is unwelcome. If their behavior doesn’t stop immediately, contact your supervisor or manager. If your supervisor or manager is your harasser, you should contact your camp director. You may feel afraid or ashamed that reporting a sexual harassment incident will put your job at risk. It is illegal to punish anyone who reports sexual harassment and your camp does not have the authority to cancel your visa.
In either case, you should always contact CIEE at 888-268-6245. We will work to resolve the situation. You should never feel uncomfortable in your work environment. If the problem cannot be resolved at your current employer, do not worry; we will find you a new and safe place to work.
Guidelines for Camper Counselor Contact
As campers build relationships with their counselors, they may begin to feel more comfortable with physical interaction, such as sitting in laps, climbing on counselors, piggybacks, holding hands, roughhousing, etc. It’s important for you and the camper to be aware of limitations and proper context of these interactions. Here are some guidelines to help you understand what is or is not appropriate.
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