Counselor Roles and Responsibilities
Most CIEE camp counselors will be assigned one of the following roles: general counselor or activity counselor/specialist. In either role, you will be responsible for leading or assisting campers in one or more activities. The skills and knowledge you have gained in school or university, clubs, local teams, or hobbies is usually enough to teach or assist in teaching these activities. However, additional training may be provided at camp.

General Counselor
As a general counselor, you will work closely with your group of campers. You will sleep in the same bunk, eat together in the dining hall, and travel from activity to activity together. Not only will you be serving as a role model to your campers, they will also look to you to be their parent, teacher, sibling, and coach. You will have a big impact on their summer; what you say and do and how you care for your campers is hugely important. As such, it is vital that you maintain a positive attitude and bring lots of energy to the job.
Please note: At some camps, you may have both general counselor and activity counselor responsibilities.

Activity Counselor/Specialist
As an activity counselor, you will be responsible for the planning, organization, and facilitation of one or more camp activities. During the day, you will spend most of your time at your activity area(s), teaching groups of children of varying ages and skill levels. Each group will spend about an hour in your activity area. You will have several groups rotating through your activity area each day.
Please note: At some camps, you may have both general counselor and activity counselor responsibilities.
Important Note About Evening Programs
As a camp counselor, you will also be responsible for running and assisting with evening programs. One night you might host a talent show; another you might play capture the flag. There will be skits, dances, movies, concerts, and cookouts. As such, your days will be long – but they will also be filled with fun!