Summer Photo Contest Highlights - Part 1

Authored By:

Work Exchanges

This summer we asked CIEE Work & Travel USA participants to share their stories in a series of four photo contests through our Facebook page.  We received hundreds of incredible photos, and we had a hard time choosing the winners! In the coming weeks we will be sharing some of our favorite photos.  Check back  to see parts 2, 3, and 4 of this series.

Winner, "Day in the Life:"

Fortunate to have this awesome view of the Wildwood beach everyday single day working as a lifeguard in Morey's Piers.” – Jing Sern Phua, from Malaysia

  “Doing a CIEE while I'm at work. Yes, doing a Cultural International Educational Exchange with my co-workers. Learning the American culture as well as other countries' cultures is one of the best experiences ever. Teamwork accomplishes any difficult task. #CIEEWorkTravelers” – Joseph Rattigan, from Jamaica

  “Husky homestead at Denali National Park!” – Yordan Andreev,  from Bulgaria
  “An amazing sunset followed by an amazing night, camping with my favorite people near Snowbowl, Arizona” – Maria Dimitrova, from Bulgaria
  “On my first days as a gift shop assistant at Izaak Walton Inn, this colleague from the front desk was very nice to me and answered all of my questions, so I was integrated really fast in our team.” – Ionut Avramescu, from Romania