Student Spotlight: Trip to Old Port by Matiss Bahsteins

Authored By:

Caitlyn Beaulieu

Last Saturday we went to Old Port. Why did I want to write about it? This for me and the others was the best place to experience the cultural difference between the Baltics and the US and on that day it really hit me that I was 6000 km away from home. Our time in Old Port was divided in two parts – Richard’s scavenger hunt and free time.

During Richard’s scavenger hunt we had to use our skills of empathy and communication in order to find the places. And those places warried from coffee shops to memorials so we had to talk to all sorts of people. But that was not a problem because and I really mean this, EVERYONE IN THE US IS EXTREMELY FRIENDLY, it is actually a sort of strange experience, but in a good way. As we checked off the places that needed to be visited we got to understand the city. It is pretty different than back at home, but I will leave you to experience it on your own. All in all, the scavenger hunt was a great way to ease us into our free time.

In the two hours after the activity we had the opportunity to do what we wanted. We went to clothing shops, grabbed a coffee, bought souvenirs and ate burgers. Had a great time with people who I can already call my friends.

I loved Old Port and what it has to offer and hopefully I will return to it one day!