Le thé à la menthe

Authored By:

Ami Hauser

One of the great things about the students living with host families here in Rabat are the planned cultural activities they do with their host families.  One of these activities was learning how to make the traditional Moroccan mint tea.   They had fun not only learning how to make tea, but also spending time getting to know their host families while practicing their newfound language skills at the same time.                                         

Many of the students had never made Moroccan tea before so it was a completely new experience for them.  One of the French students Matthew, described his experience as he and his host mom worked together. He explained how much fun it was to learn all the different techniques his host mom taught him.  One of his favorites being pouring the tea from a height to create bubbles, showing that the tea has steeped long enough and is ready to be served!

Moroccan tea is not just a delicious beverage that we like to consume 20 times a day, but it is actually rooted in a rich Moroccan tradition of hospitality and warmth. Every region of Morocco has a slightly different method and tradition of making tea.  Feel free to read this blog if you want to familiarize yourself more with the process.


Merci to one of our students, Matthew for contributing to this blog entry :)