The Latest From Tokyo

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Japanese Language & Culture

Greetings from Tokyo!

I suppose I should give it a rest on the that I can get some rest...but I know, as a parent, how much the parents of the CIEE participants probably like seeing photos, so I can't seem to help myself!

I actually like to write but, once again, I've decide to just get the photos up as soon as possible. If I wait until I have a lot of time to write, it could be awhile, so please accept these photos with short explanations for now.



Students made onigiri rice balls, did a photo scavenger hunt, played games, and sang songs with local elementary school students today. It was hot but fun!

Francis and Ally showing off their new clothes.

This was taken during the photo scavenger hunt. ARRRRRR'nt they cute?

Josh hard at work at the animation studio at which students learned how animated films are made and tried their hands at creating their own.

Playing games with the elementary school kids.

Participants were dressed by professionals in yukata summer kimono, and then strolled around a historical part of Tokyo as part of a guided tour.

Did you know the Japanese method of paper making has been named as a National Treasure? Here, Daniel makes a go at making paper.

The kids are getting to be pro-riders!

Hanging out with the little kids.