Day 7 and 8 Free Day and Gaya Farm 自由活动 农场

Please see the post from David

Today was our day of rest. We were able to sleep in and a couple of us went out and played basketball in morning. Then we had the opportunity to go to the mall for the rest of the day. All of us were able to eat, go to the movies, play in the arcade, do karaoke or just shop and hangout. While paying for things at the stores though we found out that they don't take American debit or credit cards so it was all of us pooling our money together. End of the day we all met up on got on the bus to head back to the hotel.





Please see the  post from Eddie and Anna


We got up at 7:30. For breakfast, I ate toast and eggs along with milk. We arrived at the Gaya Farm at 9:00 after a short bus ride. Mosquito told us that we had to plant maize in the field that we pulled the weeds from a couple of days ago. I was in the second group and at the end, we were very tired but happy. I think the power of a team is greater than anything. After planting maize, we worked on designing our signs for the guide system. Afterwards, we had lunch. For lunch, we had stew with rice and in my opinion, it was delicious. We had a three hour break so I decided to go to sleep. Then, we prepared to present our final designs to the group. After getting the final approval from the group, we picked out stones to make our signs with. After picking out the perfect rocks, we scrubbed and rinsed them out to prepare them for painting. I have dinner for 7:00. I came back the hotel for 8:00. Today i felt colorful .That's all