Day 4 Summer Palace 颐和园

Please see Taojie's post 

On Thursday, I woke up at 6AM to pack my bags because we were checking out the hotel and going to the farm. At 8:30AM, we all met in the lobby of the hotel. The air conditioning wasn't working so we all tried to cool down by fanning ourselves with the hand painted character fans that we made yesterday.

After that we went to Minzu University (中央民族大学) for a lecture where we learned 3Cs, which are techniques for brainstorming our own story (the Cs stand for Challenge", "Choice" and "Conclusion"). For lunch we had pizza, fries, onion rings, and salad. In the afternoon we went for a tour of the Summer Palace(颐和园. My group went on a boat trip around Kunming lake (昆明湖). The ride was extremely relaxing because of the light breeze. At 5PM, we started going to the farm. After a two hour ride, we are finally arrived at the hotel. We checked in the hotel with same roommate and we had a dinner at the first floor restaurant. Today was hot but it didn't effect me at all, I had fun to spending time with my friends and exploring the culture of China.