Day 17 Great Wall 长城

Please see the post from Simon and Jerry

Today was such a wonderful day. We got a lot of free time in the morning, and I played pool with William (thank god I beat him haha). It was a good game, and we all had fun.
After free time, me, Jerry, and Faker had to pack up and leave as soon as possible. Then we got on the bus to go eat some food at RenMinGongShe restaurant(人民公社饭店). The food in the restaurant were so delicious!
Then we took bus to GuBeiKou Great Wall(古北口长城) Wow! That was hard for me to climb up to 24KongLou(二十四孔楼), but i haven't given up. and the scenery was so nice.
After we climbing the Great Wall, we took some cars to the farmyard. And that one was good enough,that was not the place i imagined.
Then we have a wonderful dinner together.
After the dinner, William, David, Ruchika, Lily and me played Mao together(American poker game). That was so funny and we all had fun