Adiós Barcelona!

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Stephanie Humphrey

How quickly 4 weeks have flown by in Barcelona!  Today was the last day of class for the program.  After, we celebrated the end of a successful program with a farewell party and some food.  It was a great opportunity to take some photos together and reminisce about our favorite experiences and memories of Barcelona.  Tomorrow, the students will return home to the United States. 

We are so proud of all of our Session 1 Barcelona students and all of the progress that they have made during their time here.  They improved their language skills, learned about new cultures, expanded their world view, gained confidence, built friendships and stepped out of their comfort zones.  They have really grown as individuals and gained important skills that will certainly serve them well in the future.  

Best wishes for the future and safe travels home!