All you need to know about Semana Santa in Seville
If there is a word that defines Sevilla, that is PASSION. One of the best weeks to feel that passion is during Semana Santa aka ¨Holy Week¨. This is the one-week celebrated by Christians around the world that starts on Palm Sunday and continues until Easter Sunday. This week it is all about processions (public parades) and follows the story of Jesus Christ´s death and resurrection. In Sevilla, there are around 115 churches and each one has a brotherhood, or social club. Every brotherhood is assigned one day during the Holy Week to do a procession from their church to the cathedral and back. There are two floats in every procession, one of Jesus Christ and one of the Virgin Mary. If your church is located very far from the cathedral, the procession can take up to 16 hours!
If you don´t know anything about the Holy Week in Sevilla, you might be a bit freaked out by the “nazarenos” wearing one of the most controversial outfits of the celebration. The robes worn by these penitents doesn’t draw much attention from Spaniards; however, their conical hood (capirote) bears a striking resemblance to the dress worn by the K. K. K, and therefore can be shocking to other members of the international community. Do not panic as there is no connection between the two traditions. Actually, the KKK stole the look 400 years after it started being used in Sevilla. The hood represents sin. Trevor Noah can explain it better than me with good sense of humor. So, please, watch his video.
CIEE students have the opportunity to learn about this Spanish tradition and spend time with their host family and friends. Certainly, a unique cultural experience.
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