Know Before You Go: Coordination
In the October Newsletter, we shared information about the Connection and Curriculum sections of the pre-departure orientation. This month, let’s take a look at Coordination. In this section, participants explore answers to the questions, “What do I need to do to be ready to study abroad?” and “How can I make sure that my program is a positive and productive experience?” Participants will:
- Gain a better picture of what life with their host family or in their program housing will look like.
- Get the information they need to take care of themselves during the program and find out what to do if they need support.
- Learn our program rules.
- Read about their travel day and what will happen when they first arrive in their host country.
- Receive a packing list.
Parents/Guardians: Ask your participant how families become CIEE host families or, if your participant is going to Berlin on the Global Internship program, ask them to show you the article on the Global Institute.
Students: Tell your parents about four steps you should take to keep yourself safe during your program.