I Can Go Anywhere

Authored By:

Essien T.


Dear Essien,

The time I spent in Germany has been moving from once place to another everyday. I have walked around many streets, but then quickest way to move from place to place is the subway. So far the trains are my favorite part of the city. Back home, I used the subway a lot, but the subway in Berlin is very efficient, the trains come frequently and there are plenty of stations.
One, day I spent a while on a train to downtown. I spent the long trip observing my surroundings. It was over 80 degrees that day so the train wasn’t too cold. The top section of the train windows were bent open for ventilation. A variety of people were aboard the train: small groups of young men, elderly couples, new families, and others. Most people did not speak and kept to themselves, so I tried to do the same. The every seat in the train car was full. For the most part, people stayed off there phones and looked the the windows, some passengers were asleep while others talked on the phone quietly. The train was old but clean. People do not litter on the train much besides the occasional cigarette. The trains also require you to press a button to open the doors, so they down don’t open automatically at every stop.
My stay in Berlin has been a such a unique experience. I have traveled overseas to japan and Italy, but I have never stayed in the same city for more than a week. My time in Berlin will allow me to explore more of my surroundings. Instead of touring Germany, seeing the most popular part of a city then leaving, I can dive deep. I can learn to navigate the subway system, find unique places, and build relationships. I am not touring Berlin, I am living there.


Essien Taylor.