Blog #2 Global Health and Culture

Authored By:

Anisa B.


When thinking about culture and global health, I often recall images of developing and developed countries. The cultures linked to developing countries tend to have global health problems relating to environmental problems and developed countries have problems relating to lifestyle habits. Global health is communicated with over nations to solve the leading health problems of the world. These problems can range from infectious diseases to non communicative diseases and have subcategories where specific cultures can face their health problems. I believe that the correlation between culture and technology does affect the health in that area because there is evidence showing that more technical areas can find cures for malaria and reduce deaths due to road injuries. In contrast a lot can be said about a culture who has not had recent technological improvements but still does not face various cancers and diabetes at such alarming rates that higher income countries do. There are many other factors that contribute to culture and global health that set nations apart but, an important one to me is how accessible aid is and that is usually in line with technology.

In regard to Berlin, some  interculutural connections I have made was that Berlin is a city that includes various pharmacies and functioning hospitals. Another cultural connection would be comparing Germany's culture to American Culture because there are more similarities than differences. Surprisingly, I found the public transportation in Berlin to be very effective and beneficial because I came from a town where public transportation is not heavily relied on. The culture behind public transportation shows the importance of community in Berlin. I was not surprised to see that there was not a diverse community, at least in the residential area of Berlin, which in some instances can mirror the United States. I was shocked to see the use of the confederate flag here as a symbol of rock music because of its meaning of racism in the United States. The multifaceted culutres of the world are still being influenced by their past, which brings with them somewhat conservative values that are either encouraged or dismantled.