First Year Abroad: Spring or Fall Semester?
“When is the best time to study abroad?” This is a question we at CIEE hear often. The good news is any time is an excellent time to go abroad. But when it comes to planning, we can offer you a few tips and factors to consider if you’re deciding between a fall or spring First Year Abroad program.
Is It Better to Study Abroad in Fall or Spring?
While studying abroad in the fall or spring guarantees the experience of a lifetime, there are several factors you’ll want to consider when making your decision.
As you explore when is the best time to study abroad in college, it’s important to remember that First Year Abroad is unique because you’ll be starting college abroad. Unlike traditional college study abroad programs, where students study abroad later in their college careers, with First Year Abroad, you’ll be immersed in a new culture during your freshman year. (You can do a college study abroad program later on, too, but that’s a topic for another blog!)
With CIEE, you can choose between First Year Abroad fall semester and spring semester programs, or in some instances, you can even combine both to make up an entire year of international exploration while earning credits! But to determine which semester is right for you, it’s important to align your choice for when you want to go with your academic goals.
Check out a few high-level steps to help you answer: Is it better to study abroad in fall or spring?
Step #1: Understand your options.
To help you better decide which study abroad season makes the most sense, consider a few details like program offerings and locations, as they will differ slightly.
Take a close look at the various First Year Abroad programs to get a sense of what’s possible.
Step #2: Define your academic goals.
After reviewing your CIEE First Year Abroad options, closely examine your academic goals.
If you want to start your college experience on the Dean College campus (our academic home and school of record) to get a better sense of the school’s academic expectations and course requirements, it makes more sense to jet off to your First Year Abroad city a little bit later in the spring.
If you’re interested in starting your First Year Abroad right away with the goal of transferring to a CIEE partner school, an earlier fall program is best.
Embarking on a First Year Abroad program initially in the fall can also help you better prepare for the rest of college – check out some of our blogs to learn more:
- Can a Study Abroad Program Help Me Choose a Major?
- How Your Education Is Enhanced with a First Year Abroad Program
- How an International Education Will Impress a College Admissions Team
It’s important to note that going on program in the spring can still help you choose a major and enhance your education; you may just prefer to get acquainted with campus first!
Conversely, if you’ve been itching for an international adventure after graduating high school, completing your First Year Abroad program in the fall and then adjusting to Dean College in the spring might be the better option.
Keep in mind that an experience like First Year Abroad, no matter when you go, will enhance your academic experience and future professional career.
Read More: How Does a Semester Abroad Make You More Employable?
The point is that you have many different options when it comes to your first year abroad, and deciding between going on program during the fall or the spring is ultimately based on your goals. So, while we’ll keep providing you with a few options to help make your decision, it’s essential to keep your interests in mind while remaining realistic about your academic and career commitments.
Step #3: Examine the nuances.
Next, after aligning your First Year Abroad programs of choice with your academic goals, it’s time to take a closer look at additional characteristics between the study abroad seasons. And remember, both are excellent options. You’re exploring and learning in a new international city, after all!

Why First Year Abroad in the Fall?
As you consider when is the best time to study abroad, make sure you factor in weather, timing before and after the program, and holidays or special events before choosing to take on a First Year Abroad adventure in the fall. A few other things worth mentioning:
- Time to Prepare: With a fall First Year Abroad option, you’ll have the whole summer to prepare for your trip and obtain the necessary documents like a passport and more.
- Busy-ness: The fall months tend to be less popular tourist times in certain locations, like the UK, so you’ll have fewer lines to wait in, better photo opportunities, and more. Note: this isn’t always the case in every study abroad location.
While there’s much to consider when choosing a First Year Abroad season, remember that this opportunity will be valuable and tons of fun no matter when you go!

Why First Year Abroad in the Spring?
Consider these additional factors about a program in the spring:
- The weather: Depending on your study abroad location, the end of a spring semester will likely be beautiful.
- After program: It’ll be summertime after your spring First Year Abroad trip, which means you can relax, or at least not rush into another academic semester immediately after your journey.
- Holidays or other special events: Double-check your schedule to ensure you’re not missing out on any important holidays or events you want to participate in at home or on campus.
No matter when you decide to go, embarking on a First Year Abroad adventure guarantees a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
From cultural immersion, language learning, and finding your favorite subjects in the classroom to exciting excursions beyond your university walls, you’ll have the time of your life. Try not to overthink it – choosing when to study abroad is up to you: your interests, academic goals, and college career.