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CIEE Rennes

Summer Intensive French Language Liberal Arts Rennes, France



The french way of thinking, being and interacting

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Coucou! I’m Tomi, a rising sophomore at the Claremont Colleges in Los Angeles, California. I’m originally from Seattle, Washington, like many of the other students at my school. We all... keep reading


The French Language

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

The blissfully ignorant (by “the ignorant”, I am of course referring to all who took Spanish in high school) often describe French as the language one learns when one wants... keep reading


My First Impressions of Rennes and France

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Arriving in France and knowing that you will not have to leave for over a month is one of the best feelings in the world. I arrived in Paris and... keep reading


La Vie avec une Famille Française / Living with a French Host Family

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

La vie quotidienne avec une famille française est super ! Chez moi à Rennes, j’habite avec une famille qui est composée d’un père, une mère, deux filles, et un bébé... keep reading


Daily Routine in Rennes

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Every day in Rennes consists of something different, so it was difficult to compress a whole day into a single blog post, but here is my average daily routine as... keep reading


The Seven Wonders of Rennes

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

There are many different lists of the “Seven Wonders of the World,” including the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, and even USA... keep reading


The truth about being immersed in French

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Normally, students only take foreign language classes in high school or college because it is a requirement. Then, as soon as that credit is fulfilled, they immediately forget most of... keep reading


La Musique en France // Music in France

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Have you ever wondered what music was like in France? What kind of music the French people prefer, the music that they create, and just how prominent music is in... keep reading


Teaching English as a Foreign Language

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

What’s your vocation? Maybe you haven’t found it yet, in which case I certainly hope you do. As for me, I find that it is impossible to fully describe the... keep reading


Contribuer à la communauté de Rennes : bénévolat du jardinage

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Comme étudiante à l’étranger, il est parfois difficile de rencontrer des Français. Mais je trouve que, quand j’ai l’opportunité de faire la connaissance des Français, je me sens beaucoup plus... keep reading

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