Writer and CIEE Alum Amanda Machado on the Value of International Education

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CIEE Alumni

CIEE Cape Town alum Amanda Machado recently wrote an article, Traveling Teaches Students in a Way Schools Can't, for TheAtlantic.com. She credits her study abroad semester with CIEE in Cape Town, as well as a month-long trip to Ecuador during her teenage years, as inspiring her passion for livelong travel. 

Amanda has also written about trends in travel, and about how the younger generations are redefining international travel: 

In the summer of 2012, at age 24, I left home to travel the world. In just over a year, I backpacked through South America, South Asia, Western Europe, and the western United States. I hiked the Inca Trail, skied the Alps, hitchhiked through Patagonia, and trekked through the Himalayas. I worked at hostels, stayed at a Buddhist monastery, and gardened at an English women’s retreat center in exchange for meals and a place to sleep. And while I learned many things on the trip, what was most surprising was how many people my age were traveling just like me. 

-How Millennials Are Changing Travel, June 2014

Amanda's articles have appeared in publications such as NPR, Huffington Post, and Frommer's. Read more of her work at her website.