NYC Chapter's January Meeting

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CIEE Alumni

At the end of January, the CIEE Alumni New York City Chapter held a successful meeting at the Centre for Social Innovation in Manhattan. New York-based alumni met for an evening of networking and discussed potential chapter activities for the upcoming year over food and drinks. Chapter president Thilo Huber shares the main discussion outcomes from the meeting:

"We learned from the discussions that people's main motivation to get involved in the chapter is getting to know fellow CIEE alumni, but also staying connected with CIEE as an organization and seeking career networking opportunities."

The chapter leadership has said that they will make those motivations their priorities for the coming year. They will work with chapter members to plan specific events that allow alumni to connect with one another, connect with CIEE, and network for career opportunities. Many great ideas were shared about potential upcoming events, so be sure to stay connected so you don't miss out!

Stay up-to-date on all CIEE alumni news and events in NYC by:

If you are interested in becoming the NYC Chapter's next vice president in March, or would like to become chair for the various activities/planning areas (career, networking, social media, etc.) please email chapter leadership at