Celebrating 50 years of international exchange in Japan

Authored By:

CIEE Alumni


CIEEJ 50th Logo

This September, CIEE is celebrating the 50th anniversary of U.S.-Japanese exchange programs. We’re excited to mark this milestone with a 50th anniversary event for CIEE alumni in Tokyo on October 2, 2015. 

Help us to mark this important milestone in CIEE history! We're gathering alumni messages for the CIEE Japan anniversary website, ciee50.jp. Share a message of congratulations and support for U.S.-Japanese exchange. These messages will be featured on the website and at the 50th anniversary event. 

Share your story via email at alumni@ciee.org.

Please include your name, CIEE program information and year, a photo, and 3-4 sentences in support of international exchange in Japan. All messages should be submitted by Monday, May 11.