Celebrating 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

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CIEE Alumni

July 2015 marks the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which gives civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities. The ADA and the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) assure equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities for access to business, employment, transportation, and state and local government programs.

Why is this related to international exchange? CIEE is proud to be a partner with Mobility International USA (MIUSA), an organization that empowers people with disabilities to achieve human rights through international exchange and international development. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ADA, CIEE awarded 11 Access to the World Scholarships for 2015-2016 CIEE study abroad programs.

Today, we’re highlighting the stories of CIEE alumni who have overcome challenges to pursue study abroad opportunities, and how their time abroad had an impact on their lives: 

“I realized that I can survive traveling alone internationally, since this was my first time ever traveling fully across the Atlantic Ocean and going to Europe. I really learned a lot in the class on European Integration on the politics, policy, law and on the culture of France and the E.U."

“The teachers were very in tune with the material. I loved the way they were able to put the information together in ways that I was able to retain, via readings out loud, smart board, videos, conversations, and more. I felt that knowing the politics and culture really helped me understand France more while I was there.”

                - CIEE Study Abroad in Toulouse, France alum and Access the World scholarship recipient

“Studying abroad in general is an incredibly humbling experience. I learned so much about myself through both challenges and incomparable adventure. My goal while I was abroad was to have an experience like the rest of my peers. I lived with a host family, took classes at the local university, and traveled with my friends on holidays. I took risks and embraced challenges and took advantage of every opportunity that allowed me to make the most of my time in Rennes."

             - CIEE Study Abroad in Rennes, France alum 

 My favorite memory of the whole trip was when we were in Wadi Rum (which translates to "Rock Valley"), this place in the desert that used to be the floor of an ocean millennia ago… After nightfall a couple of friends and I hiked back out of the camp and climbed up one of the rock formations (I got a couple of nice scrapes and bruises from that but it was worth it). There was the road in the distance, and a couple of camps dotting the landscape below, but other than that there was no source of light pollution for miles and miles. Laying back on the rocks there were so many stars above that it was difficult to pick out the familiar constellations from among the thousands of glowing pinpricks.”

            - CIEE Study Abroad in Amman, Jordan alum and Access the World scholarship recipient  Lauren Distler

“During Caroline’s time abroad with CIEE – both in Korea and in Tanzania – she felt an ‘automatic acceptance’ into the new cultures and ways of communicating. ‘[Caroline] says that she finds a certain level of automatic forgiveness with being abroad,” she explains, “and it’s changed her world, she’s become more sure of herself, and just makes her want to see more and do more and learn more languages and meet more people.’” 

           -  Joanna See, mother of CIEE Study Abroad in Tanzania alum Caroline See

Learn more about CIEE’s partnership with MIUSA and the history of the ADA