Benefits of Joining Your CIEE Alumni Local Chapter

Authored By:

CIEE Alumni

The CIEE Alumni Global Network is a community of over 350,000 CIEE program participants. They’re from over 170 countries across the globe, and have a diverse array of experiences and interests, but they all have one thing in common: a passion for international education and exchange.

Participation in a CIEE program is more than just a one-time experience; it’s a decision that lasts a lifetime. As a member of the CIEE Alumni Global Network, you have the opportunity to connect with other CIEE alumni in your area and around the world.

This month, CIEE launched our first CIEE Alumni Local Chapters in ten cities around the world. These chapters provide an opportunity to connect with CIEE alumni in your area for events, networking and social opportunities, and professional development.

We currently have US-based chapters in Boston, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Washington D.C., as well as international chapters in France, Ireland, Turkey, Russia, and China.

Find your local chapter here!

Why participate in your local CIEE chapter? Benefits of chapter membership include:

  • Attend networking and social events in your area, as well as virtual alumni events and continued education opportunities
  • Reconnect  with friends from your program, and make new friends in your city
  • Develop  your professional network on a local and global scale
  • Make an impact in your community through mentoring and community service opportunities
  • Gain professional experience by serving as chapter president or vice president (apply online here!)
  • Be a part of a movement of over 350,000 CIEE alumni to further the CIEE mission: to help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world

We’re excited to grow the CIEE alumni community through our local chapter network.

If you have suggestions for events/programming for your local chapter, or if you’d like to start a chapter in your city in the future, send us an email at

Interested in applying to lead your local chapter? Download our CIEE Alumni Local Chapter Leadership Handbook for details about the structure of the local chapters and the responsibilities of chapter leadership.