Alumni Voices: Anna Lane, High School Abroad in Germany

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CIEE Alumni

CIEE alum Anna Lane spent an exchange semester in Germany through the CIEE High School Abroad program. She reflected on how her experience with CIEE has impacted her life in the two years since her program:

It has been almost two years since I left for my exchange semester in Germany. Although a significant amount of time has passed since my program ended, I find myself carrying my experience abroad everywhere I go.

I have noticed new habits and am much more confident in a variety of things. For example, I now eat with both a fork and a knife; I have Skype dates in another language; I have an abundance of stories to share with my friends. I talk to my cats in German, friends come to me for travel advice, and public transportation is a walk in the park. Additionally, I am eager to learn about new cultures, try new foods, meet new people, and explore. I am now comfortable in all sorts of situations. Last summer, for example, I went backpacking with my sister and a friend through Europe. This summer I traveled to Iceland and Ireland completely on my own. 

I have come to realize that a lot of aspects in my life had changed because I had gone to Germany, and I am continually grateful because of it.


Photos: Anna Lane

I have literally been given another family, which has been the best gift of my life. I cannot describe how lucky I am. After spending a wonderful semester with my host family, I knew I had to go back and visit; last summer, that is exactly what I did. As the train pulled into the train station, I saw my host family waiting for me, and it felt just like before. After my visit, my host sister, Lina, flew to Wisconsin with me and stayed for 5 weeks. She had done so much for me in Germany: explaining words, showing me around town, introducing me to friends, and being an all-around amazing sister. I was thrilled to finally be able to return the favor, even if only for a short while. This summer I went back to visit again. My friends were graduating, and my host family had invited me to go on vacation with them, so how could I say no? Going back has showed me that I have not only gained a new family but also made lifelong friends (one of whom is coming to visit the U.S. this summer!).

Anna Lane Family1

Finally, my experience abroad played a big role in my college decision and my career plans. I just finished my first year at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota and could not be happier with my choice. I chose Macalester College because of their well-established International Studies and German programs. After taking two excellent German history classes, meeting other exchange students, and getting the opportunity to live in the German House next year, I am thrilled to be a German and International Studies major. Because of studying abroad, I have decided that career that allows me to travel is a must. 

The opportunity that CIEE gave me to study abroad in Germany has shaped my life in indescribable ways, and I am so thankful.