Alumni Update - October 2015

Authored By:

CIEE Alumni



New Leadership for International Exchange and Study Abroad Programs

We're excited to announce two new executive vice presidents at CIEE: Meghann Curtis, executive vice president of international exchange programs, and Maritheresa Frain, Ph.D., executive vice president of study abroad. Curtis comes to CIEE from the U.S. Department of State, where she served as deputy assistant secretary for educational and cultural affairs. Frain has over 20 years of experience in international education, including more than 15 years with CIEE; she previously served as vice president of academic affairs, as well as the center director of the CIEE Study Center in Seville, Spain. 

New Global Institutes in Berlin and London

Study abroad students have started classes in our inaugural semester of the CIEE Open Campus Program in our Global Institute sites in Berlin and London. Students are the first of many who will have unmatched flexibility in designing their own study abroad programs in two of the world's most exciting cities. Learn more about our Global Institutes.
Photo for blog post Alumni Update - October 2015
Photo: The CIEE Global Institute in Berlin, as featured in the design blog 

How International Exchange Contributes to Career Readiness: 8 Studies

In September, we highlighted ways to utilize your CIEE experience in your professional career through our CIEE Alumni Career Month series. We conducted alumni interviews, published a brand-new career resources page, and held virtual networking events for alumni around the world. We're not the only ones who understand the value of an international education: check out this post from the Institute of International Education to read eight studies that show a direct impact of study abroad on student success, graduation rates, creativity, and more. 


The CIEE Alumni Local Chapter leaders are planning a variety of events around the world, including picnics, networking events, cultural activities, entrepreneurship forums, and more. Check out the events page to see if there's an upcoming event near you! 


"I chose to study in India not because I had any prior knowledge or interest in Indian culture, but because I wanted to push the boundaries of my comfort zone. And that's exactly what I got - a country that's beautiful, shocking, and completely different than anything I had ever experienced before."
- Dan, CIEE Study Abroad in Hyderabad, Spring 2012
Photo for blog post Alumni Update - October 2015
We're asking CIEE alumni to tell us why they chose the location of their program. Read what six CIEE Study Abroad in Hyderabad, India alums had to say, or send us you own response about your time abroad. 


Andrew Farrand, CIEE Study Abroad in Amman, Jordan, Fall 2005
CIEE Study Abroad alum Andrew Farrand was curious to know how the lives of his fellow CIEE study abroad participants had been changed by their experience in Amman, Jordan. On the 10th anniversary of his CIEE program, Andrew contacted his fellow alumni with a survey, and published a summary of their responses, reflections, and favorite memories. Andrew is currently living in Algiers, Algeria, where be manages employment programs for university students and works as a consultant, translator, writer, and photographer. Do you have a story to share about your CIEE experience? Email


This month, we're celebrating over 20,000 members in the CIEE Alumni Global Network LinkedIn group! Join fellow alumni in the group to discuss your experience, share resources, and seek mentorship opportunities. 
Photo for blog post Alumni Update - October 2015
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