Alumni Update - February 2016

Authored By:

CIEE Alumni



CIEE's Effort to Close Study Abroad Gap Gains National Attention

Studying abroad is an amazing experience that every student should have. However, challenges such as cost, curriculum, and culture can prevent some students from doing so. CIEE is rethinking the study abroad model to adapt to those challenges and increase access to study abroad by underrepresented groups, particularly students from minority-serving institutions (MSI). CIEE's efforts have gained national attention and have been covered by sources such as University BusinessUniversity World News, and The Root. Read more about this significant CIEE initiative here.

CIEE Road Show Events Underway for Summer 2016

CIEE staff and representatives from U.S. employers are traveling the globe during this month and the next, interviewing and hiring students face-to-face in their home countries for Work & Travel USA positions for Summer 2016. This month the CIEE Road Show will be in Eastern Europe, hiring in cities such as Kiev, Sofia, Istanbul and Chisinau. Staff and employers will then make their way to Dublin and Manchester - and then they're off to East Asia for more events!

Did you attend a CIEE Road Show and get hired? Tell us about it!

Deadline for Alumni Summer Internship Approaching!

Are you a recent CIEE Study Abroad alum looking for an internship for this summer? Join us at our global headquarters in Portland, Maine and be a part of our global organization through this paid internship opportunity. Learn more and apply soon- the deadline is March 1st!

Apply Today to Become a CIEE Campus Coordinator

CIEE has launched a new division of their Institutional Relations department and is looking for distinguished study abroad alumni who are passionate, outgoing, driven, and want to have fun while spreading the word about study abroad. The full-time, professional role of Campus Coordinator gives recent graduates an opportunity to build upon networking and communication skills developed during their undergraduate years. Campus Coordinators receive extensive training, gain professional experience, and build networks as they contribute to developing outreach strategies.

If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, please visit the CIEE Careers Page on our website.


CIEE 25th Anniversary in Budapest

This March, CIEE will celebrate 25 years of study abroad in Budapest, Hungary. There will be an anniversary celebration event at Corvinus University in Budapest, as well as online activities for alumni to celebrate from afar. More details coming soon!





Dana Roberts

In the fall of 2010, Dana studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain through the CIEE Advanced Liberal Arts program. She is the co-founder of "Plant Based Traveler," an online travel series dedicated to showcasing a vegan travel lifestyle. Back in November we shared her story on the CIEE Alumni Blog and now we are excited to feature her as Alum of the Month! Dana and her partner Lou have been busy working on new content for "Plant Based Traveler" in the new year, including their first vlog and a great video on how to make vegan curry (yum!). Previous vegan travel adventures have included Paris, New York, Lima and Cusco but 2016 is all about Berlin.

Congratulations on a new year of "Plant Based Traveler," Dana! We look forward to more vlogs from you both!



From left: CIEE alumni and current students gather in Shanghai for a CIEE Alumni China Chapter event; Cape Town Study Abroad alum Danielle Strandson joins CIEE as the new Alumni Engagement Coordinator; alumni meet in Manhattan for a CIEE Alumni New York City Chapter meeting.

On social media? So are we! Follow us on Twitter or Instagram @CIEEalumni, and join over 20,000 alumni on our Linkedin group. 

Don't forget to update your information to receive important communications and alumni news. 


Photo for blog post Alumni Update - February 2016
Photo for blog post Alumni Update - February 2016
Photo for blog post Alumni Update - February 2016
Photo for blog post Alumni Update - February 2016

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