4 New Ways to Stay Connected to CIEE

Authored By:

CIEE Alumni

Whether you have recently finished a CIEE Work & Travel USA position, or you studied abroad with CIEE decades ago, participating in a CIEE program means that you have a lifelong membership to the CIEE Alumni Global Network. We’re always working to better build the CIEE alumni community and serve the needs of our alumni network.

Here are four new ways to stay connected:

1. Attend a CIEE alumni event

This year, we launched CIEE Alumni Local Chapters in ten cities around the world. We have upcoming events in Beijing, Shanghai, San Francisco, New York, and Washington D.C. We’re working on planning more events in the future, and on growing the local chapter network. If you’re in one of the ten initial chapter locations, join the chapter Facebook group to connect with other CIEE alums in your area.

If you want to grow the CIEE alumni community in a new location, send us an email to let us know where you are located. 

2. Follow our newest social media profiles

We’re new to the world of Instagram. We’re posting snapshots of CIEE alums, as well as travel photos from CIEE blogs. Follow us at @CIEEalumni – or, better yet, tag your photos with #CIEEalumni to let us know what you’re up to! We also share information about alumni stories, upcoming events, international education articles and resources, and more on Twitter: @CIEEalumni.  And, of course, you can still find us on LinkedIn and Facebook – be sure to follow us there too.

3. Contribute to student campaigns on Indiegogo

Reflecting on your time with CIEE brings back memories – of friends you made, of travels to new places, of connections to a new community. We’re continuously impressed with and inspired by the ways that CIEE participants get involved with their communities during their time abroad. Through our new partnership with Indiegogo, an online crowdfunding website, we’re working to support and highlight student-led community initiatives – for things like a local books library for youth in Cape Town, or a Franco-American youth partnership. If you feel an affinity towards one of the featured student campaigns, please consider making a contribution – CIEE will match donations up to $1,000 for campaigns that receive the most donations. 

4. Read our monthly alumni update

There are a lot of things going on in the CIEE alumni world – wish you could get a summary delivered to your inbox at the beginning of each month? You can! Just visit alumnidirectory.ciee.org to verify that we have your updated email address.

Monthly features include alumni of the month, CIEE news, upcoming events, and more. Check out last month’s update here.

Thank you for being a part of the CIEE alumni global network!


The CIEE Alumni Relations Team

Dan Olds, Sarah Robbins, and Brittany Jezouit