Petitions and Campaigns Demanding Justice for the Black Community

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Here are some opportunities to add your voice to calls for justice.

In Support of George Floyd

  • Head to and sign the petition.
    • Signing the petition will email Mayor Jacob Frey and DA Michael Freeman demanding that all four officers be arrested and charged for murder, on your behalf. It’s a super petition that emails all offices and individuals involved in the fight for justice.
  • Text ‘FLOYD’ to 55156 to sign Color of Change’s petition. 
    • This will link you to Color of Change’s petition, which will send a letter to Mayor Jacob Frey and District Attorney Michael Freeman demanding the arrest and murder charge of the four officers. 
  • Call (612) 324-4499 to be connected with offices that have the authority to charge the officers in the murder of George Floyd
  • Donate to the ​ Minnesota Freedom Fund to help provide bail for people protesting against the killing of George Floyd or to learn about other local organizations on the front lines

In Support of Breonna Taylor

  • Sign this petition to demand charges are filed in the death of Breonna Taylor or text ENOUGH to 55156
  • Call 502-735-1784 to demand justice for Breonna right away
  • Support the Louisville Community Bail Fund​  to help bail out protestors​           

In Support of Ahmaud Arbery

  • Sign this petition to remove the local prosecutors from office who failed to move forward with Arbery’s case
  • Donate to Ahmaud’s family with this fundraiser

In support of the Black community

  • Advocate for police reforms as noted by the lawyers for these three cases​        
  • Participate in Black Out Day ​ ​on July 7