Keep Up with Health, Safety, and Security Alerts via RSS Feed

Authored By:

Bill Bull

Taking a page from the effective communication protocols used by the U.S. State Department, CIEE’s Health, Safety, and Security updates are now available at your fingertips through our RSS feed. This web-based news feed will allow you (and as many members of your team you wish) to automatically receive alerts from CIEE about significant emergency events via email, an alert notification on a web browser, and/or a push-notification on your cell phone or other mobile device.

Relevant mass emergency notifications about incidents that are possibly impacting multiple CIEE participants (including details on disease outbreaks, terror attacks, and natural and man-made disasters) will continue to be posted at, however traditional email alerts will be discontinued effective June 1, 2019.

To receive CIEE alerts via RSS feed, you must opt-in. Click here for instructions on subscribing to the Health, Safety, and Security RSS Feed via outlook.

Subscribing via Outlook
Outlook contains a built-in RSS reader that allows you to receive alerts just like an email.

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Look for “RSS Feeds” or “RSS Subscriptions” in the main Mail panel on the left
  3. Right click the RSS folder
  4. Select “Add a New RSS Feed”
  5. Enter this URL:
  6. Click “Add”
  7. Approve the next message

Now any active CIEE alerts will flow into a new Outlook folder automatically called “CIEE Alerts.” Should you wish to discontinue receiving these messages, simply delete RSS Feed from your Outlook at any time.

Why Use RSS?
We believe this service will enhance the efficiency, reliability, usefulness, and volume of CIEE’s mass emergency notifications. The RSS feed is being implemented in response to our stakeholder who indicated they would like to receive information when something of note occurs, regardless of whether their institution has students on program in the location at the time of an incident.

If you have any questions, please contact your Manager of Institutional Relations, or the CIEE Health, Safety & Security team at