Help Identify Themes and Speakers for the CIEE International Education and Exchange Summit

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Last month, we shared that CIEE will host the CIEE International Education and Exchange Summit, a free online event during International Education Week, November 16-20, that will convene leaders from a wide range of international exchange programs to discuss the future of cultural exchange and explore topics around the theme: Reimagine, Rebuild, Reopen.

The Summit will bring together leaders in international exchange who support college programs, high school study abroad programs, work and cultural exchange programs, GAP year programs, internships, and experiential education programs. In addition, students, faculty, and experts in Health, Safety, and Security will develop and deliver updates and insights on our new normal.

We’d like our colleagues from across international exchange to assist us in developing the final topics and programs ideas by recommending candidates for the planning committees and/or exceptional content experts to participate in Summit sessions.

  • What are the most pressing and immediate issues we in international education and exchange face today?
  • What can we learn from different approaches and types of programs in international exchange?
  • In what areas do you need practical guidance from experts to navigate the current global landscape?

Please fill out this online survey to suggest the topics and presenters most important to you that you’d like to see in conference sessions, and also to let us know your level of interest in the following themes:

  • Health, safety, and security: From managing homestays, to travel strategies, to government travel advisories, to pandemic insurance
  • Diversity and inclusion: From opening doors to all students, to supporting diverse students on programs, to supporting diverse students when they return to home campuses
  • U.S. post-election outlook: From federal regulatory and legislative updates, to possible implications of a second Trump term, to changes likely in a Biden administration
  • Technology in a COVID-19 world: Online and blended learning, designing and delivering best-in-class distance learning and intercultural learning 
  • Internships & experiential learning spectrum: From virtual to global “on the ground” internships
  • High school study abroad: Practical solutions for increasing inclusion, preparing students for a globally minded college experience, pedagogy for teaching Gen Z
  • Professional exchange and cultural exchange programs: From the changing demand from international participants, to shifts in J1 visa program compliance, to the changing dynamics of host families, schools, and international agents
  • Bridge study abroad: International students in an American classroom in their home country, bridge programs, high school, college and graduate trends

With your feedback, we hope this free event will address critical issues we all face in 2020, while attracting diverse voices from within the study abroad community and beyond so we can collaborate on finding best practices for bringing the world together again in ways that are both safe and educationally and culturally rich.

We plan to select the planning committee in the next two months, so please complete the survey by July 10, 2020. By filling out the survey, you’ll be eligible for a drawing to win a Free Attendee Registration to the 2021 CIEE Annual Conference in San Diego, California, November 2-4, 2021.

Thank you!