150-Day Update on on CIEE's Pledge to Do More for Racial Equality and Social Justice

In June 2020, CIEE made a pledge to take concrete actions to advance in measurable ways our mission to facilitate harmony and peace in our world.

We pledged to help more students of color study abroad, to expand our programs and training regarding race and social justice, and to hire more diverse staff at every level of our organization. We’ve shared updates with you on our progress over the last five months.

In addition, we pledged to use our voice to affect positive change in our world and in our communities.

Our 150-day update to our friends is simple: Please use your voice to vote today for leaders who will help us build bridges, unite our communities, our country, and our world.


In July 2020, we paused all paid Facebook and Instagram advertising to protest the platforms’ failure to adequately push back on hate and discrimination. In September 2020, we launched a social media campaign featuring only images that highlight students of color. We hope this image-rich campaign will inspire more students of color to study abroad, and more leaders in study abroad to hire and promote students of color.

Today, November 3, 2020, CIEE has offered all U.S. staff the day off to allow them to vote in the national election. We believe more than ever that U.S. citizens must use their voices at the polls to send our political leaders a message of unity, harmony, and inclusion.

Since our founding in 1947, CIEE has sought to unite our world, to advance peace through international education and exchange. We advance our mission with input and advice from our partners and our employees

Thank you, in advance, for helping us unite our world, our nation, and our communities by advancing positive efforts on social justice and using your voice to elect leaders who share this vision for our world.