Host Schools
Bring the world to your classroom
By welcoming international students, our U.S. school network gives its students something incredibly valuable – international awareness and exposure to other cultures and viewpoints. The CIEE High School USA students you host are a great addition to your student body, adding a fresh dimension to every class they attend.
The World Is Our Classroom
We believe that a quality education in the interconnected world of the 21st century must include cultural exchange. Learning is about the relationships between people, and it’s only through those personal connections that mutual understanding is fostered. We can’t do it without the commitment and vision of schools like yours.
Your institution plays an important role in the success of CIEE High School USA by providing visiting students with the opportunity to expand their English skills and learn about American culture. We carefully screen our participants to select high-quality students who can make a positive contribution to your school.
The presence of an exchange student gives each lesson a new dimension that really brings the material to life. Your CIEE student can offer insights that can’t be found in any book, video, or web page. It’s a terrific way for your class to gain a unique perspective on what’s happening in the world.